Written by Jake Oakey on September 8, 2021

Is there construction workwear designed for women?

Is there workwear for women?

Statistics on women in construction:

The construction industry has always been seen as a heavy male gender industry and for good reasons with women making up only around 14% of construction industry professionals.

According to GoConstruct, who also go on to mention that:
‘Women working in construction is on the increase. 37% of new entrants into the industry that came from higher education are women’.

This number is set to rise with more and more women choosing construction as their industry of choice. Misconceptions about gender specific roles are gradually diminishing with the growing number of women choosing a career in construction.

Factual differences behind women and men and how this effects workwear:

Woman Construction Stats

Body composition differs between men and women. Men have more lean mass, and women have more fat mass than men. Men are more likely to accumulate adipose tissue around the trunk and abdomen, whereas women usually accumulate adipose tissue around the hips and thighs.

With there being clear differences in body types between men and woman and more woman looking at construction as a career choice there has been a requirement for workwear manufactures to adjust their garments to better suit woman in construction.

No longer do woman have to wear workwear which simply doesn’t fit correctly, workwear that isn’t comfortable or practical. Now workwear is being design to fit correctly.

Is there womens workwear available?

YES! there is now large amount of womens workwear options that have been designed for woman in construction. That will fit more ergonomically to better support woman in construction.

Specialised women's workwear clothing is a must for jobs such as construction, offering more comfortable and practical designs for female construction workers compared to many of the typical unisex options currently on the market

Manufacturer leaders in the workwear industry such as Portwest, LEO Workwear Dickies and Regatta have all taken this very seriously producing some fantastic products across their respective ranges. Given woman lots of choice for suitable workwear, as well as lots of new innovative products coming out often!

It really is a great time to join the construction industry as a woman with the misconception disappearing, allowing woman to flourish in their chosen roles.

Here is a link to the range of woman workwear from the manufactures mentioned above.




LEO Workwear

Contact the team for any womens workwear needs

If you need any further assistance, we would be more than happy to support in advising the best workwear product for your environment and standard requirements.

Our wide range of women's workwear on our online store below:

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