Written by Jake Oakey on January 25, 2023

Should you wear safety gloves while grinding?

Grinding is an essential task in many industries, including construction, manufacturing, and metalworking. It involves the use of abrasive wheels or discs to shape, smooth or remove material from a surface. However, it's important to note that it can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken.

One of the most important precautions that workers should take is to wear safety gloves for grinding.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that workers wear personal protective equipment when performing tasks that may cause injury to the hands. This includes tasks such as grinding, which can generate heat, sparks, and flying debris that can cause burns, cuts, and other injuries. Wearing safety gloves for grinding can help protect workers from these hazards.

There are many different types of safety gloves for grinding available on the market, and the best option will depend on the specific tasks and hazards involved. Some common types include:

  • Cut resistant gloves:

    These gloves are designed to protect against cuts and lacerations from sharp materials such as metal or glass. They are made from materials such as Kevlar or high performance polyethylene, and may also have additional features such as reinforced fingertips and knuckle guards.
  • Heat resistant gloves:

    These gloves are designed to protect against heat and thermal hazards such as sparks, hot surfaces, and molten metal. They are made from materials such as leather, aluminized fabric, or ceramic, and may also have insulation or other heat resistant features.
  • Impact resistant gloves:

    These gloves are designed to protect against impact and vibration hazards, such as those generated by impact tools or heavy machinery. They are made from materials such as rubber or foam, and may also have reinforced areas or padding to help absorb impact.

Portwest impact safety gloves

Selecting the right safety gloves for grinding:

When selecting the appropriate type of safety gloves for grinding, it's important to consider the specific hazards involved and the duration of the task.

For example, if the worker will be using a grinder for an extended period of time, it's important to select a glove that will provide adequate ventilation and breathability to prevent overheating.

Additionally, if the worker will be performing tasks that involve working with chemicals or liquids, it's important to select gloves that provide adequate resistance to those materials.

It's also important to note that safety gloves for grinding should be of good quality, fit well and regularly inspected for signs of wear or damage.

To ensure the worker's safety, always make sure to check the gloves for any signs of wear and tear, such as cuts, holes, or abrasions. Damaged gloves should be replaced as soon as possible.

In addition to wearing safety gloves for grinding, workers should also take other precautions to protect themselves from hazards. This may include wearing eye protection, face shields, or respirators, as well as following proper safety procedures when using grinders.

It's also important for employers to provide workers with proper training and to ensure that all equipment is well maintained and in good working order.

To conclude

Wearing safety gloves for grinding is an important precaution that can help protect workers from hazards such as heat, sparks, and flying debris.

By selecting the appropriate type of gloves for the task and hazards involved, regularly inspecting and replacing them when needed, and taking other safety precautions, employers and workers can help ensure that their hands are protected while they work.

It's also the employer's responsibility to provide the necessary safety equipment, training and to ensure a safe working environment. Employers should also conduct regular safety audits to ensure that their workers are following proper safety procedures and to identify any potential hazards that may need to be addressed.

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